Wednesday, October 30, 2013

When life gives you lemons make lemonade!

Lemon and Ikat oil painting (Mariska Meijers)
There is something I would like to share that made my day last week Thursday. I had sold the above painting via my web store and the client had just received it without having it ever seen 'in the flesh'. This is what she wrote....

"Dear Mariska,
The painting was delivered this afternoon. And what else can I say than......I am in love! The colors are 'live' even more beautiful, they radiate so much that they give energy. I haven't thought of a definitive spot for it yet, but as soon as that is the case I will send you a picture of the"end result".
One of my favorite quotes has always been "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade". I will always think of that when I look at your happy painting. Mariska as of now you make my day, everyday! 
Again thank you very much! 
With best, Thessa" 

I was in the midst of a production crisis, stressed for time, trying to do too many things at the same time...and when I read my client's thank you mail it made me very very quite. I sat down (yes I was reading the email standing up doing something else at the same time), took a deep breath and smiled. It made me realize AGAIN why I am doing what I am doing and why I continue my bumby road. The ability to touch other people with my paintings and designs is what I love best, it is the essence of my work!
.....and I should not forget to make lemonade from the lemons I stumble over in the process :)

Thank you Thessa for your wonderful upbeat words and permitting me to quote you xox

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