Friday, September 13, 2013

Parisian Encounters - Maison&Objet

Detail of the Mariska Meijers booth at MaisonObjet
In one word OVERWHELMING! That was my week in Paris. With a small apartment in the Marais as our home base my team and I worked round the clock. But working in Paris is no punishment :).
The MaisonObjet has been really good for us. Building a brand is not easy but this show brings  opportunities, we learn valuable lessons, build relationships, get inspired by other creators and enthusiastic clients. Enjoy the snapshots!
another detail with Jungle Fever and Coco Ikat pillows
trays and wallpaper in the background
View from the apartment in The Marais
Loved my own wallpaper design on
such impressive scale in the booth
of Eichholz!
Oh yes and I managed to run Sunday morning! Sooo beautiful and quiet..

With the lovely Tori Mellott editor of Traditional Home
We were picked by Nelly Rodi trend agency and featured
with some great brands like Versace-Rosenthal
 and Seletti
Some USA made in our booth. Beautifully handcrafted
wall sconces by dunes and duchess
My absolute favorite from a colleague designer. Rhinoceros by Imo
and yes :) Jonathan Adler popped by to say hi and view the
new collection!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a busy but fun week! Congratulations on being picked by Nelly Rodi trend agency - brilliant!



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